Monday, December 26, 2011



My first post in a newly revived blog to commemorate TVXQ's 8th Anniversary. This is the day 5 individuals were given a chance to finally be on stage as 1. 26th of December 2003. I sincerely believe that it was a beautiful day for many people out there, myself included.

Its hard putting into words these feelings i have for this situation they are in now. All i know is, without a single doubt in my mind, if i were given another chance to be a fan - be a Cassiopeia, i would never turn it down. All the tears and heart-ache these past years have brought me - brought all Cassies, can never compare to the love these 5 men have brought us.

Jung Yunho. Kim Jaejoong. Park Yoochun. Kim Junsu. Shim Changmin.

Sure, many people see us fans as being a little crazy and delusional for fangirling over Korean superstars. This i do not entirely disagree with but lets face it, many of us have celebrity crushes - this is no different. Heck, we've all had crushes on people we barely know.

The point is that TVXQ have inspired many. They've indirectly helped many people. I've met many Cassies online and each of them had a story to tell. How they began loving these 5. How these 5 have helped them overcome a rough patch in life with just their voices and beautiful personality. How TVXQ inspired them to be better. TVXQ has become a pillar of support for many people who are falling apart out there. The only thing we can offer in return is our unwavering support, love and faith in them.

The fandom might be split in someways but do not ever forget, if they did not come together as 5 then, we would not ever have them as they are now. Whether it is JYJ and HoMin, they will still be TVXQ for the faithful. I have faith. As much as it hurts, i have faith.

" There is a type of belief that is not worship, a type of support that is not blind, a type of interaction that overcomes barriers, and a type of faith that knows no boundaries. "

I saved that quote when i read it from an article. It was written by a Cassiopeia and i feel exactly what she was trying to say. I know there is a future when they will stand together on stage as DB5K. That is my faith in them. I know not when it might be but my faith in that future keeps me strong enough to see them through these years.

Even though TVXQ will not read this, i thank them. I sincerely with all my heart, thank my 5 oppa's for all their hard work and their determination to keep staying strong for us. They have sacrificed a lot to be who they are and who are we to make little of that.

Always Keeping the Faith